Declaration of Importance of Protecting Double-Crested Cormorants: Expert Signees

The following individuals with scientific, technical, legal and/or other relevant expert knowledge have signed this Declaration, recognize that Double-crested cormorants are vital to the health and ecological integrity of the environments in which they live and should therefore be protected by law from persecution, recreational killing and organized culling.

Dr. Paul Aird PhD, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto

Hannah Barron, Wildlife Biologist

Kerrie Blaise, Blaise Law PC

Buzz Boles, Wildlife Biologist

Angela Brooks, Senior Ecologist/Conservation Councilor, Toronto Ornithological Club

Dr. Nedim Buyukmihci PhD, biologist

John Carley, Co-Chair, Friends of the Spit

Ted Cheskey, Naturalist Director, Nature Canada

Dr. Sheila Colla PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change, York University

Dr. Steven Cooke PhD, Canada Research Professor and Director of the Canada Center for Evidence-Based Conservation, Carleton University

Matthew P. Duda, Paleoecological Environmental Assessment and Research Lab (PEARL), Queens University

Sheryl Fink, Wildlife Biologist, International Fund for Animal Welfare

Dr. Gail Fraser PhD, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, York University

Dr. John W. Grandy PhD, The Pegasus Foundation

Chris Grooms, Paleoecological Environmental Assessment and Research Lab (PEARL), Queens University

Dr. Keith Hobson PhD, Department of Biology, University of Western Ontario

Dr. Ian Jones PhD, Professor, Biology Department, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Dr. Clement Kent PhD, Adjunct Professor Department of Biology, York University

Rupert Kindersley, Executive Director, Georgian Bay Association

Dale Kristensen MSc, Avian Ecology, Queens University

Rob Laidlaw CBiol MRSB, Biologist

Dr. David Lavigne PhD, Biologist

Michael Mesure, Executive Director, FLAP (Fatal Light Awareness Program) Canada

Dr. Faisal Moola PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics, University of Guelph

Dr. Martyn Obbard PhD, Biologist

Dr. Ronald Orenstein PhD, LLB

Rachel Plotkin, Boreal Project Manager, David Suzuki Foundation

Dr. James Quinn PhD, Professor, Biology Department, McMaster University

Garth Riley, Co-Chair, Friends of the Spit

Erika Ritter, Author

Dr. Rebecca Rooney PhD, Associate Professor of Biology, University of Waterloo

Clayton Ruby, C.M. LLD.

Cole Swanson MA, Artist, Educator

Dr. Dave Shutler PhD, Professor Emeritus, Biology, Acadia University

Dr. Andrea Smith PhD, Ecologist

Dr. John P. Smol PhD, OC FRSC FRS, Distinguished University Professor, Paleoecological Environmental Assessment and Research Lab (PEARL), Queens University

Dr. Emily M. Stewart PhD, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, York University

Linda Wires MA, MS, Conservation Scientist, Waterbirds